My life
Updating has been tough lately. I've been super busy...but that's not the real reason why. Sometimes you just get "writer's block" I guess. Maybe I also fall prey to the idea that I have to try and have some real "point" to writing instead of just babbling on about my life.
So here's my latest "babble":
Dan & Marci: Okay, I know you all must be getting sick of us by now, but don't you just LOVE that "Dan & Marci" finally hooked up? I'd been flirting with him for years, adored him for even more years, and always felt somehow drawn to him...though I needed a little convincing that it actually could work out as a "real" relationship. Although any relationship needs work, and this one requires its own share of compromise, patience, forgiveness, practice, etc. (on both our sides) -- overall, I just continue to fall more & more in love with Dan all the time, recognizing how incredibly lucky I feel to be with someone so loyal, deep-thinking, compassionate, creative, intelligent, selfless, and loving.
Panama & other humanitarian efforts: Although I was supposed to be departing for India any day now, it will probably be delayed until a later time. There's a lot of reasons going into it, but primarily it was conflicting with school, work, and my church calling. I'm torn between various things that are all important, yet I'm beginning to feel that maybe the humanitarian work has to be put on the back burner for a bit while I concentrate on other (just as important -- and some that are more important) things. I'm still hoping to go, but I may go in late September or October instead.
The project in Panama went very well, and was once again a lesson to me of the devastating poverty that exists throughout the world. Ever since I started going on these trips, I've felt an enormous appreciation for the vast amount of effort that the Church does worldwide, and I've made more of an effort to donate to fast offerings, humanitarian efforts, and the perpetual education fund when I pay my tithing. Sometimes when I'm confronted by such wide-spread poverty & other problems, and I feel so helpless, it is always comforting to know that the leaders of the church run an organized, honest, long-term method of helping people rise out of poverty - and helping is as easy as "rounding up" my tithing donation with just a little more in some of the other categories.
Lately, I put a lot of effort into making a DVD about the Panama trip - much thanks to Dan for loaning me his computer, his DVD's, his time, and his support (you're amazing, hon) and also thanks to Zane for helping get my video footage into a usable format. The DVD turned out great. Chris MacPherson (our project leader) said it's the best DVD of its kind he's ever seen. I really enjoy the editing, and adding quotes and music, etc. It's probably some of the most fun I've had with photography stuff. I'd like to get more into video in the future (and get a camera of course).
Visiting Jared/Chrissa: I was hired to photograph a wedding on the east coast, and decided to go ahead and visit Jared & Chrissa's (as I'd been promising to do). Dan also decided to go, so he visited his brother Dave in Boston while I was doing the wedding, and then we met up in Ohio for a few days with J & Ch & Champ (and with Shauna who flew out from DC). We had a great time watching old episodes of friends, eating good food, playing darts and other games (like pictionary on the living room windows), lazying around outside playing guitar and talking, taking a trip up to some beautiful mountains -- wandering around some wicked-cool caves in the process, and just generally enjoying each other's company.
Helping Rob & Julare Move: Dan and I got to spend quite a bit of time lately with Rob & Julare - playing frisbee golf, going to the drive-in, mini-golfing,and eating out at various restaurants. I had a great time re-kindling a friendship with Rob, starting a new one with Julare, and watching Dan interact with two people who have been his loyal, constant friends for quite some time. Unfortunately, I got to be friends with them right as they were moving away. Dan & I butted our way in, though, and spend most of the week before with them - talking, playing games, going to the waterpark, packing, and just generally enjoying our last bit of time together. Julare and I endured a baby shower together - and we both agreed that the next baby shower she has (or when I have my first) - we're going to have a real "party" - like a bbq in the back yard with loud music and lawn darts, where the men will be invited as well (don't worry, guys, there will be NO stupid/gross baby games).
Rob & Julare are trying to convince us to move out there to be by them, (as are J & Chrissa, and Dave & Karissa). Who knows what will happen - but the invitation is appreciated anyway. We will definitely visit.
(Meanwhile, Jeff moved back to Utah, and he's been hanging out with us quite a bit, too. Again, its been nice re-kindling the old friendships).
ESL Job & Going Back to School: I finished up teaching my ESL classes from this summer, and felt really good about the progress my students made. My boss loved me and asked me to stay on as a full time teacher (as full time as they get around here, which is only about 20 hours a week) - which is a huge deal, since they only have a few teachers and don't really take in new ones very often. I was really flattered (and excited, since I love the work) and it served as a kick in the pants to go back to school and get my certificate to teach ESL. (So far, I've been uncertified). Unfortunately, I discovered how much tuition has gone up, and I'm shocked and appalled. And there goes the last of my savings. But I love teaching ESL and it's time I got certified to do it.
That's about it. Sorry it's not all that interesting. But it's an update, nevertheless.
Yay! What a comprehensive update!
That's a great picture of Rob and Julare, by the way; especially of Julare (sorry Rob)!
My post was sponsored by eBadgr (tm).
That really WAS a great update! Especially the Ohio part: I almost felt like I was there...
Would you be going back to Logan for school? Any way, I'm jealous. Chrissa's finishing up her classes and I almost want to take the tests with her. I miss school. :(
This post was brought to you by Eepkxxjv, maker of quality Swedish bed springs since 1904.
Thanks for the kind words! We didn't feel you were "butting in" at all, and almost that we were pulling you (kicking and screaming) in.
The invitation is always open to move closer, Notre Dame is still a SOLID option! ! !
Oh, and, I know I don't look so great in that pic, but Julare sure does. Oh well...
Thanks, guys. Glad you didn't find it too long & boring.
Dan & J - my post was sponsored by pimhbpla (pronounced: pimp-laah, emphasis on the second syllable), a slimy upstart of wanna-be lawyers from the inner city fighting for the right of pimps everywhere to peacefully co-exist. They believe that prostitution should be legalized, and that pimps should be subsidized by the government for their critical role in human trafficking, kind of like school crossing-guards. "Pimhbpla" is an anagram, standing for "peeps in major hubs bringing pimps legal authority"
Dan & Rob - rob doesn't look bad in the pic - it just looks like he's squinting a bit. The squinty face is made up by the fact that he's got Julare leaning on his shoulder. Most people tend to think: "She's a real hottie. That guy with her must be a stud."
J - not Logan, UofU. Ugh. I'll have to face SLC traffic EVERY day. (I have classes Mon through Friday)
Rob - ND is still a solid option. Unfortunately, it's a solid op. for photography...Not so much for computers.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Dan!
I am jealous too. I miss school especially this time of year. Good for you for getting ESL certified I am sure you're a great teacher. I know ESL teachers are in high demand. BTW thanks for putting up a flattering pic of me. Rob is so good looking in real life he doesn't need a photo to tell him that. Besides it may just make him get a big head if you start posting awesome pictures of him.
Whoops!That last one was from me.
Plus I would feel pretty weirded-out if Marci started posting good-looking photos of Rob.
Happy birthday, honey! Whee! The big "Three-Oh".
(Brought to you by Xqtrx, the official breakfast cereal of Generation X.)
It'd be weirder if Marci posted good-looking photos of ME!!...
but not because I'm her brother...but because there exist no good photos of me. Cameras are like kryptonite. I'm the least photogenic person in the universe. My face has an allergic reaction when someone's taking a picture.
Chriss -- I can't believe you "bah update"-ed me! It's only been a week, you booger.
P.S. When do I get to see this juicy pic? I'll post it for my new entry.
I'm taking them with me...and your little dog too. BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!
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