Saturday, September 30, 2006

What's your quirk?

Mine's numbers. I have this thing where I love getting the same number repeated for the time, like 2:22 or 10:10. It makes me feel lucky, somehow: as if there's some special meaning in it. It just feels like a brief second of meditation in which everything is balanced perfectly.

The rules:

1 - It doesn't matter if it's the real time. Even if you look at a clock that's five minutes fast or 2 hours slow. As long as the time on the clock reads the same number, you're set. This is convenient because sometimes I'll get 4:44 on one clock and then 9 minutes later, get it on another clock by accident.

2 - You can't plan it. Can't set your alarm. Can't be looking at it consciously. It has to be an accidental thing. Say, for example, it's 4:42 and I know that if I "casually" look back in about 2 minutes, I'll get my moment...too bad, it doesn't count. The fun's out of it.

3 - Although not worth quite as much, palindromes can also be a nice little moment. 10:01, 12:21, etc.

It really has become almost a big deal. Say I'm having a really discouraging moment; I look at the clock, it reads 10:10; I feel as if some cosmic force is sending me a message: it's going to be okay; I feel a little boost of encouragement and peace. The end.

Weird, huh?

And I don't really do any of that other superstitious stuff: wishing over eyelashes or dandelions; hitting the top of the car under yellow lights; slug bug; etc.


At 11:18 AM, Blogger sharman said...

interesting post. I do REALIZE the sudden same digits thing and I get kinda amazed. But I don't think I get really excited as you do. hehehe

Besides that, I like numbers that have got to do with my birthdate. Mostly car number plates though.

Oh, just for added humour, 4 means 'die' in a Chinese dialect. So 444, well that's kinda unlucky! hehehehe...but then again, its just superstition!

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happens to me often as well, almost daily. I will look at my cellphone clock to see when the bus is going to be 'round to take me to school, and low-and-behold when I look it is the same exact time again. It is an "interesting" moment, but it doesn't last much longer than that moment for me. It isn't planned, I don't think "oh maybe it will be time X," it just happens that it is and I go "oh, interesting," and the moment passes.

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to do this thing where I would "kiss the clock" or blow a kiss at the clock then make a wish. I almost never got my wishes so I gave it up.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, like Sharman, also notice my birthdate on the clock, that e'er-magical 8:17. Good times ... er, time.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Jared said...

I plant Chia grass on my head.

...I too feel a shiver of expectation or fate when the numbers match up or clock. I also search license plates for patterns. Then Chrissa told me that looking for license plate patterns is a symptom of schizophrenia. I now keep my license platology to myself.


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